Course Overview
Unearth yourself and build a career from your handiwork and look after the environment with our Horticulture programme. Learn about work in arts, crafts and creative industries using natural materials or re-cycling of waste. Gain the skills to make and sell your own artisan products and get involved in mini-enterprises and market places. Learn about plants, crops and flowers gaining skills in gardening, growing and harvesting. Contribute to the community and environmental projects and work outdoors.
Our extensive grounds, vegetable plots and large polytunnel is a perfect place to learn everything about Horticulture and general home gardening. Learners will attend for a minimum of one full day per week developing a variety of skills based on industry standards. You will be provided with the relevant PPE to be worn throughout all practical activity. You will go on numerous trips to gain the opportunity to visit other industry environments expanding your knowledge and experience. You will have opportunities during your programme to attend external industry placements (where appropriate).
The unit award and qualification is portfolio based and practical in activity and has a selection of mandatory units such as Health & Safety, PPE, Customer Service and Environmental Studies and contains several vocational units focused on the industry standards from Entry Level – Level 1:
- Introduction to Horticulture
- Cultivating Compost and Soils
- Cultivating Herbs
- Garden Horticulture
- Organic Horticulture
- Pest Control
- Plant Pruning
- Plant Selection
- Sowing and Growing Techniques
- Using and Maintaining Horticultural Hand Tools
- Weed Control
Arrival 09:15-09.30 Cup of Tea and discuss plans and orders for the day
Session 1 09:30-10:30 Select personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with risk assessment and health and safety guidance
Break 10:30-10.45 Quick snack and drink.
Session 2 10.45-12:30 prepare the container and plants for planting and plant container plants to correct depth
Lunch 12:30-13:15 Lunch break.
Session 3 13:15-15:30 leave the site clean and tidy disposing of waste correctly
*There will be some unsociable hours for those entering the world of work and for events this is to ensure that full exposure to the industry is experienced.
What Next?
The experience and qualifications (where appropriate) can lead to gaining new skills, interests and knowledge to live an active life, live independently and or progress to further study, supported internship, traineeship, apprenticeship or employment.
The course aims to give learners the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy gardening and gain employment in the industry. Learners will gain an understanding of how to economise when planting and growing vegetables. The programme encourages learners to transfer skills learnt to other people and to inspire others by passing on their knowledge. The course is based on the proposition that being able to grow your own vegetables and maintain your home is an essential life skill which empowers people to make changes that have benefits to health, wellbeing and occupation.